Turkish drama series (Terzi) premiered on May 2, 2023 on Netflix. The series stars Çagatay Ulusoy in the lead role alongside Sifanur Gül, Olgun Simsek, Salih Bademci, and more. Created by Cem Karci, the story is written by Gülseren Budayicioglu and the script is by Rana Mamatlioglu and Bekir Baran Sitki.
The story follows a talented designer and tailor who becomes entangled in a family drama as secrets try to be revealed while he is still trying to escape his own demons.
From a family drama to a complicated friendship, the story contains elements that add weight to the series. As the plot progresses, the story becomes more complex and the twists make it more exciting as it progresses. The characters are just as complicated as they appear on the surface. However, the narrative lacked the emotional and intellectual depth that audiences crave in a truly compelling work of fiction.
The show begins by introducing the main characters and showing a glimpse of their relationship dynamics. Peyami is a genius in his field and everyone around him respects him. However, he is completely different in his personal life, as his past still haunts him. Outwardly, he is a confident man, not afraid to speak his mind. But mentally, he is a disturbed individual hiding from the reality of it. He constantly tries to put up a front for people, which clearly shows how much he cares about validation from people.
On the other hand, Dimitri is the complete opposite. Although he is intelligent, he lacks professionalism and is not well behaved. He lacks empathy for others and is shown high key as a sociopath with little to no regard for the people around him. His obsessive nature gets the better of him, which turns into despair and hurts his loved ones. With such contrasting features, both Dimitri and Peyami remained friends for years.
It is worth mentioning that the plot of the show is intriguing. It is undeniably intricate and packed with events that one will not see coming. It also manages to execute the story properly and give it enough development for a final reveal. The complex and intricately woven history of the series is replete with a wide range of unexpected twists and turns. However, it strives to explore the underlying themes that drive the plot as a whole.
Furthermore, the story falls short when it comes to developing its characters in a meaningful way, resulting in a show that is plot-heavy but lacks the depth needed to truly captivate its audience. Despite its apparent potential, the show lacks significant character exploration and development, ultimately detracting from its overall appeal. Also, some heavy themes included in the series were poorly handled and came across as superficial, barely being glossed over or even addressed during the runtime.
Additionally, the actors' performances lacked the range of emotion and nuance to add depth and complexity to their characters. However, they did an adequate job, but failed to emotionally connect with the audience, which would have ultimately elevated the plot. However, Olgun Simsek was the shining star of the show. He stayed true to his character throughout.
While the show's story is undoubtedly interesting and full of exciting instances, it ultimately falls short in terms of character development and delving into the themes it includes, resulting in a lack of necessary depth. to keep the audience hooked. However, it can be an enjoyable experience for people who prefer mysterious plots that don't drag the story out too long.