“Stone Cold” Steve Austin missed out on many seemingly mundane experiences during his legendary, bloodied, body-mangled rise to become one of the most popular wrestlers of all time. But Texas Rattlesnake is making up for lost time with his new adventure reality series.
“It's about doing different things in America and doing some of the things that he always wanted to do,” the six-time WWE Champion said. “Like almost everything in life, to reach a high level, you sacrifice many things. It seemed like a great idea to go do a lot of bucket list items.”
The A&E series, which premieres Sunday at 10 p.m. ET/PT, gives a glimpse of Austin's lighter side after wrestling as he tries to conquer pursuits like bartending and competing against skilled senior bowlers. He also does weather forecasts for live television and waits tables at a steakhouse.
“There are some things that I love…and there are some things that make me feel a bit like a fish out of water, and it's painful. But regardless, I think we had 12 or 13 people on the team, and we traveled everywhere in an RV, and I drove every mile," the 2009 WWE Hall of Famer said. "I was just trying to to do a job to the best of his ability, someone else's job, in an hour of training. So yeah man, I don't like to use the word vulnerable, but I guess I'm a little more vulnerable than Stone Cold."
The 58-year-old rose to prominence in wrestling in the late '90s before rising to pop culture stardom with his brash, charismatic and profanity-filled attitude that eventually turned fans from scorn to adoration. Helping to lead the popular "Attitude" era of WWE, his "Stone Cold" persona resonated with manual fans and anyone who hated his boss.