"Luther: The Fallen Sun" is an upcoming British crime drama film, based on the popular BBC television series "Luther." Directed by Jamie Payne and produced by Neal Street Productions and 20th Century Studios, the film will be released in 2023.
The film follows the story of Chief Inspector John Luther, played by Idris Elba, who returns to the police to investigate a series of murders that have been linked to his past. Luther must face his own demons and face the consequences of his actions, as he races against time to catch the killer and prevent more murders from happening.
Director: Jamie Payne
Writer: Neil Cross
Stars: Idris Elba, Cynthia Erivo, Andy Serkis
The cast of "Luther: The Fallen Sun" includes some household names from the entertainment industry. Along with Idris Elba, the film stars Cynthia Erivo, who rose to fame for her roles in "Harriet" and "The Color Purple," and Andy Serkis, known for his motion capture work on "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit Trilogies.
The film is set to deliver the same intense and suspenseful atmosphere for which the television series is known. The story will be dark and gripping, with Luther facing his toughest challenge yet.
The film promises to explore the complex character of John Luther, delving into his past and his motivations. It also promises to be a fitting end to the beloved character's journey, as Luther grapples with his own morality and the consequences of his actions.
In conclusion, "Luther: The Fallen Sun" will become a must-watch for fans of TV series and crime dramas in general. With an all-star cast and a gripping story, the film promises to offer a satisfying conclusion to John Luther's character.