As the story unfolds, “John-Boy (This Is Us' Logan Shroyer) learns the true meaning of taking responsibility, Mary Ellen (Marcelle LeBlanc) comes to understand patience and partnership, Grandma (Rebecca Koon) discovers that winning can be difficult, and Olivia shares her healing heart with all the other members of the Walton family, at a time when each of them needs it most. And when one child enters the world of the Waltons, everyone's lives change in ways they could never have imagined."
The cast of A Waltons Thanksgiving also includes Christian Finlayson as Jason, Tatum Matthews as Erin, Samuel Goergen as Jim Bob, Calloway Corrick as Elizabeth and Alpha Trivette as Grandpa, while Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. guest-star, and Richard Thomas, aka the OG John-Boy, narrates.
Director: Joe Lazarov
Writer: Jim Strain
Stars: Richard Thomas, Bellamy Young, Teddy Sears
Who better to wish you a happy Thanksgiving and introduce the family at the heart of A Waltons Thanksgiving than the original John Boy himself, Richard Thomas? He does just that in TV Insider's exclusive trailer for the CW special premiere Sunday, November 20 on The CW.
“Not only are we grateful for all the blessings we have received, but we also remember the precious role giving plays in a family called the Waltons,” he says.
“We have a lot to be thankful for. I thank the good lord every day for this family,” says Olivia (Bellamy Young). Watch the trailer above to see the family together, a boy who shows up with nowhere to go (who better to take him in than the Waltons?), and more. (You don't want to miss the ending.)
A Waltons Thanksgiving is a sequel to the 2021 film, The Waltons' Homecoming. The Walton family is preparing for Thanksgiving 1934 and the Depression has affected everyone. John Walton (Teddy Sears) has found a way to support his family by farming and taking odd jobs from the eccentric Baldwin Sisters. It's also time for the annual Harvest Festival Fair, and carnival rides, talent shows, and pie contests take center stage for the Waltons.
John Boy (Logan Shroyer) learns the true meaning of taking responsibility, Mary Ellen (Marcelle LeBlanc) comes to understand patience and partnership, Grandma (Rebecca Koon) discovers that winning can be hard, and Olivia shares her healing heart with everyone. the other families of Walton. member, at the time when each of them needs it most. And when a boy enters the Waltons' world, everyone's lives change in ways they could never have imagined.
A Waltons Thanksgiving also stars Christian Finlayson as Jason, Tatum Matthews as Erin, Samuel Goergen as Jim Bob, Calloway Corrick as Elizabeth, Alpha Trivette as Grandpa Walton, and Rebecca Koon as Grandma Walton, with special guest stars Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. Thomas narrates the film.
The film is produced by Magnolia Hill Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producer Sam Haskell, writer and co-executive producer Jim Strain, co-executive producer Hudson Hickman, producer Billy Levin and producer Bobby Kelly. Joe Lazarov is the director and co-executive producer and Tena Clark is the composer. The Waltons were created by Earl Hamner.