"Paws of Fury" is an action-packed animated comedy inspired by Mel Brooks' timeless classic, Blazing Saddles. Hank, a lovable dog with a head full of dreams of becoming a samurai, sets off in search of his destiny.
Hank is a down on his luck bloodhound who only dreams of one thing: to become a samurai. One day, he finds himself in a city full of cats that Ika Chu, a ruthless warmongering cat, threatens to wipe out of existence. Hank turns to Jimbo for help. As he becomes the town's samurai hero with the help of the feline sensei, he must work with the townspeople to finally defeat his threatening enemy.
Paws of Fury draws the obvious comparisons to Kung Fu Panda with an unlikely mammalian hero seeking to become a warrior of legend. The film follows the story of a dog named Hank whose unlucky days living in a bad part of town inspired his dreams of becoming a samurai. He now finds himself in a town full of cats, looking for a mentor to teach him the ways of the samurai only to become the town's protector when an evil cat (Ricky Gervais) threatens his very existence. With the townspeople by his side and an old samurai reluctantly stepping in to make sure he's up to the task, Hank must finally become the hero he always wanted to be, even if it means saving an entire village from the worst enemies of dogs.
This new trailer opens with an ominous warning that something big is coming. However, instead of being a huge T. Rex or Godzilla, he is simply a very large cat that has the townspeople scared. With no one willing to take on this tough client, Hank is relegated to savior and is asked to confront him, though, as seen in the trailer above, he doesn't come off well. We then take another look at Hank's bumbling "training montage" before jumping into larger-scale action that sees more of the city, not just Hank, fighting a massive army under the villainous Ika Chu, which provides a nice well. -Animated combat and slapstick fun. Shutting it down, Hank and Ika Chu fight, only for the villain to utter Darth Vader's famous "I am your father" line in an attempt to throw him off the scent and show how much work his focus needs.
Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank hits theaters July 15. Check out the trailer below: