Netflix premiered a new clip from the upcoming animated series Sonic Prime. The video spotlights the titular hedgehog as he springs into action alongside a cast of new characters. Netflix's 30-second clip shows little to tease fans except an art style reminiscent of some games in the Sonic franchise. It also shows a quick interaction between Sonic and Big the Cat when the blue hedgehog nearly hits Big and Froggy, Big's best friend, as he runs past to help his friends. The trailer didn't reveal an exact release date, though it did hint that Sonic Prime would be coming "soon."
In Sonic Prime, the blue hedgehog will learn amazing things about himself through various trials and tribulations. Each fight presents him with a new opportunity to become the hero he has always been known to be, but also allows him to discover new truths about the world around him.
This isn't the first glimpse Sonic fans have seen of his new animated series. Netflix and SEGA previously released a short Prime trailer focused on the updated Blue Blur aesthetic. The short video highlighted Sonic running in a line of the franchise's iconic golden rings before confirming that the series will premiere in 2022. Along with SEGA, Sonice Prime is produced by Wild Brain Studios and Man of Action Entertainment.
While little is known about the plot of Sonic Prime, concept art for the show suggests that the lightning-fast hedgehog will be embarking on a multiversal adventure. The images show the main character hurtling towards a series of colorful portals that seemingly transport him to alternate realities. It is currently unknown how this concept will affect the overall story of the show.
Sonic the Hedgehog is possibly one of the most iconic video game characters of all time. Starting his career with a successful trilogy of platform games on the SEGA Genesis, the speedster has appeared in several spin-off games as well as comics and animated series, including Sonic Boom, Sonic X, and Sonic Underground.