During Disney's D23 expo on September 9, 2022, the studio announced production on its upcoming animated musical, Wish. The film follows 17-year-old Asha, voiced by West Side Story Oscar winner Ariana DeBose, and focuses on the legend of the wishing star. In the story, Asha makes a passionate plea to heaven, which is answered by a ball of boundless energy called Star. Together, Asha and Star work to save the community from her. Chris Buck, who is directing the film along with Fawn Veerasunthorn, spoke about the inspiration for the film during the D23 presentation. "Fawn and I grew up on the Disney classics and fell in love with them," he said. "Truly there is no greater power in the universe than someone with a true desire in their hearts." Directors: Chris Buck, Fawn Veerasunthorn Writers: Chris Buck, Jennifer Lee Stars: Chris Pine, Alan Tudyk, Ariana DeBose During the announcement, Walt Disney Animation Studios Chief Creative Officer Jennifer Lee said, "T...
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