Black Clover Sword of the Wizard King Review: Directed by Ayataka Tanemura, the latest Black Clover movie premiered on June 16, 2023 on Netflix. Based on Yuuki Tabata's manga of the same name, the script is written by Johnny Onda and Ai Orii. The voice cast includes Gakuto Kajiwara, Toshihiko Seki, Fumiya Takahashi, Miyuki Sawashiro, and more. Minako Seki provides the music, and the theme song, Here I Stand, is performed by the K-pop group Treasure. With a running time of 113 minutes, the film is available in Japanese with English subtitles and English dub. The film follows the initial lore of the series surrounding a world of magic where a boy named Asta exists who has no magical abilities. He dreams of becoming the Wizard King of the Clover Kingdom and heads off to fight Yuno, his longtime rival. However, his plans are interrupted when ghosts from the past arrive in the form of Conrad Leto, an ancient wizard king and predecessor of Julius Novachrono. He brings with him the 3 mos...
Kitti Katz is a highly respected movie critic who provides insightful and informative movie reviews for audiences of all ages. Her reviews are helpful in guiding viewers towards movies that are worth her time and money. Kitti's reviews cover a wide range of genres, from action-packed blockbusters to small indie films with unique storylines. She pays close attention to the technical aspects of filmmaking, such as cinematography, sound design, and editing, while also analyzing the performances of the actors and the effectiveness of the script. Kitti's reviews always provide a fair and balanced perspective on each film, offering praise and constructive criticism where necessary. Whether you're a seasoned movie buff or just looking for a fun night at the movies, Kitti Katz's movie reviews are an invaluable resource for finding her next favorite movie. Kitti Katz has become a trusted source for movie reviews, offering insightful and helpful critiques of the latest releases...